Tuesday, October 17, 2006

300 Million

The United States waits patiently today on the arrival of our 300 Millionth citizen...and as usual, many people are expressing worry about where are we going to put all these people.

Answer: all the states we have previously ignored, some with good reason. Like North Dakota.

Let's not forget Wyoming, Montana, and from personal experience, Iowa. There is a ton of room in Iowa, and plenty of corn and soybeans to use as food.

Why am I not president yet? =)


Sign2Jill said...

Yeah but if you add all these people, there will be no more room to feed them corn and soybeans.

And then, (GASP!) you might not have anything on your table when you get home from work!

JavaBoy said...

that's why we're going to fill up North Dakota and Wyoming. Plenty of room

crazykarl7 said...

Let's take over Mexico and then send them there. All the outsourcing that companies do down there will increase our GDP, we will have a war which we can win (oh no he didn't), and we get all the tacos we want. We'll still build the wall though..it will give them something to do..like the hoover dam.

Malia said...

Why are people so concerned over where we are going to "put" all these new people? First of all, they start off as babies and they don't take up all that much space. And last I checked, we're all still mortal so as the babies get bigger and take up more space, others are kicking the bucket. See? No worries!

laurielea82 said...

I like Carl's solution a lot. Why isn't he president yet?

JavaBoy said...

As president, my first act is going to be to make law school 7 years. How do you like that, L?

laurielea82 said...

7 years of westlaw points, thats a couple more ipods =)