Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Child's Play

The Child in Me is not giving up without a fight.

He's been under wraps this week while the 33 (oh man, I forgot I'm 33 for the last post!) year old has been "taking care of bizness" on the H. It's been long hours, but thanks to the graciousness of some family friends, I've been walking to work. I've kidded that maybe I should consider Manassas as my weekend home and live out here...

The adult Me has enjoyed several perks this week that the Child is not amused with...such as, being called "Sir"...and liking it...

Seeing a stroller at Union Station and making a mental note of it...for when the time for such an item is needed...

Having an amazing Samsung LCD TV for his own personal use this week to relax with...and turning on the captions, to feel more at home...(that's not a sign of being old, but I thought a certain someone out there might think that was cute)

The Child is feeling snubbed, and like I said, is beginning to act up. The Child desparately wants to find a line tomorrow night and stay up with the teens and Dads that can't say no to little Johnny, in the fleeting hopes of buying a PS3...

The Child almost hopped on the Metro to go see Borat at the theatre and then eat an entire Matchbox pizza by himself, but was persuaded to go play a 9pm soccer clear thinking adult would have done either, mind you...

So with all this "being an adult" behavior I've been going through, I expect the Child to throw a tantrum soon...he really wants to play PSP right now...but perhaps the Adult will read a couple of chapters in his book before that. Then maybe we'll hunt the Helghast on the planet Vekta for a couple of minutes.

PS. What would you camp out for?

I once camped out for tix to a Virginia Basketball game with some residents...turned out it was one of the best I ever attended. I did it for Madden 07, with some incentive from L, and I'd probably do it if the Fat Boys had a reunion tour (the "one of them is dead" thing would be pretty hard to get by though...)



Anonymous said...


Indulge the child, get a PS3, then sell it on e-bay for $2000! Or give it to me for Christmas :)

JavaBoy said...

or you can go to the Sony Store and get your own...oh, wait, Europe doesn't get it til March 2007...You are a Berliner!

crazykarl7 said...

I would think the kid would want to play a Wii as well..

Leann said...

I've never camped out for anything, but here's an old school one from my mom:

This week is the 50th anniversary of the release of "Love Me Tender" -- the movie. And her only bout with bronchitis was from standing outside with her cousin Brenda on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to see the late show at the Gem theater.

Now that's dedication! Let's see 50 years ago she would have been 13 years old.

JavaBoy said...

The Child also laughs at the Wii.

Val said...

Um, I've never camped out for anything, and I'm not sure I would. But I guess if I could camp-out for the opportunity to sing a song infront of an full audience on Broadway....maybe. (Is that self-indulgent?)

laurielea82 said...

I've never camped out for anything either...but for the right supreme court case (on perhaps a dry and not too cold night), I would. =)

Shayna Willis said...

This is going to be revealing. I once camped out for Alanis Morrisette tickets, but I was the only one. Well, me and a guy that liked me were the only ones actually.

Sign2Jill said...


I'm amused that you turned on the captions! I think that is very adult like behavior.

I've always thought the child was illiterate or just ADHD or something. Need proof? There's tons of books that are waiting to be read in your "weekend" home. :-) Maybe you should move all the books to the H.

And the stroller? Awww...that's very cute.

Anne said...

I know this is late in coming but I would so camp out for opera tickets if certain people were performing. The closest I've come is getting up at 4:30am to buy them online. But I wish I lived in Vienna b/c then I could camp out at the opera house all the time!